Monday, January 5, 2009

Coolest Place Ever

Hi guys!
We only have a few minutes, so we want to tell you about Jan 4th. The 3rd was cool, but 4th was cooler.
The 3rd we did Little Sprouts, like we said.
Here is part of Jordan's journal entry about the 4th:
Took a bus about an hour to outside Phnom Penh where there is an NGO one of the girls in our group is in contact with. I can't adiquitly describe this place to you except to say that it is one of the most amazing places you could ever go to. Its home to over 150 children, all HIV positiv. It was started by this amazing couple from Texas who, about 9 years ago, were the first to bring AIDS medications into Cambodia. They have many other centers around Cambodia, but this is the one where they live. Its sort of a little village, 20 acres of land where they grow their own ctrops, raise pigs, and even create their own fuel. It is self-sustaining and completely "green" with nothing being wasted and no damage is dome to the environment. For example, the pig dung is mixed with well water and put into this undergroud tank . The gas released from the tank goes directly to all of the kitchens and used to cook on. The "used" waste is used to fertilize the fields where these certain trees are planted that produc a sort of nut that you can extract a type of biodeisel fuel from. That fuel is used to power generators for a few hours a day of electricity. They are starting up a breeding program with the pigs, and have plans to build a chicken coup next to a fish pond. There they will raise fish who who eat the chicken poop.

Gotta run, more later.
Raina and Jordan


  1. Wow, isn't it amazing what can be done! Lucy (in Kenya) has the same set up at her place. (Except they turn the people waste into methane gas to pipe to the kitchens to cook with). They raise the crops, livestock, and fish pond etc., all producing income and each thing helping to sustain the other, and ultimately helping to support the few hundred orphaned kids. It is amazing what a person of vision can do to change the lives of so many. Can you get me contact information for that Texan couple? Rose and the people at Cambodian Hope Organization (CHO - which does a lot of amazing things for the Cambodian people)would probably like to know them. I am sure they could each offer help and ideas to the other.
    Did you get to spend time with the kids there? What did you do? We love reading your blog--thank you so much for sharing!

  2. Wow. I think you guys just solved the problem for Alec of how to run a heat pump for the pool affordably!!!! The supply of methane in this house should not go unused...

    But, really what an efficient set-up. Hope you took some pictures of that.

    Keep up the awesome blogging. I know I'm being repetitious, but we really do enjoy your posts.

    Love Always XOXO
