Tuesday, December 30, 2008

We made it!

Hey guys!
We are here. We're tired and it's hot.
The trip here was long, but Raina slept more but Jordan couldn't. Jordan is now in the hotel sleeping because she was feeling dizzy, perhaps a combination of jet lag, dehydration, and the hot weather.
Jordan (on the plane): I am like the Tiger Woods of Bejeweled. (that was a game they had on the plane). I know why airlines are going out of business-they spend so much money staying up to date on the lastest technology for the flight.
Our layover was in Taipei, Taiwan. We discovered that Jordan's mom was right--the Taipei airport smells like waiting in line at the Pirates of the Caribbean ride in Disneyland. They also had an emergency fling thing that seemed as if it were a catapolt. If we were to assume that Taiwan was what we saw out of the airport windows, it has a lot of concrete, airplanes, and it rains.
I sat beside a really cool girl that was living in the US for school and hadn't seen her family in 5 years. Our lives are so different yet so alike. I wish I had all the time in the world to write.
Once we got here, the some Alumni from the University we are going to school at greeted us, took our art supplies to the university, and us to our hotel.
We had an hour at the hotel to wash up and stuff before we walked over to the uni (im typing that for short for now on, k?) were they had a reception for us to welcome us. There was an official sign at the front of the school and everything. I met some really cool people.
I'm sure that we will see them again soon.
Then Jordan starting feeling sick so we took a TukTuk back to the hotel. She is resting, and most of us went to the grocery store. I got some Japanese ( I know...) Koala treats because I'd had them before and knew they were good and wanted to bring something to the gathering that we are having shortly on the roof of the hotel. I also got some cotton wipes because they were 50 cents and they were "White Rabbit" brand and it made me happy. I got yogurt drink (I hadn't had it since Ecuador!), yogurt, some candy for Jordan.
Okay, there is much more I want to tell you all but I have to go!


  1. Oh how exciting to get up and find a note from you guys! Thank you! We will be relishing your every detail. I laughed to hear that the Taipei airport stills smells like "Pirates". I wonder why it does? I also laughed to hear you saw that fling thing in front of the window. When I saw it, it had a sign on it saying, "Emergency Catapolt" --go figure. (Just in case you needed to be catapolted somewhere I guess...)
    Well, we are thankful you are there and happy. We are praying Jordan feels better soon. Being tired and stressed must have caught up with her.
    Oh, yeah, we remember the Japanese treats easily found there. You must try the shrimp/seaweed potato chips--ummmm. (not really.) And speaking of White Rabbits, there is one in my house! We have been doing binkys together and she really loved her little "rabbit bread" treat I dried out for her. She nibbled on it really cute, then would munch on a bite in her mouth for a long time making loud crunching noises. I warm her carrots up in the microwave so they are not cold when she gets them. She says Hello and Have Fun! (Though she is slightly ticked that she did not get to come along.)
    The Cambodian people are amazing. I am looking forward to hearing the stories of things you learn from them.
    Love and prayers--Dad and Mom

  2. I'm so glad that you guys arrived safely!! I hope Jordan is feeling better soon!

  3. Yay!!!
    I'm glad you guys arrived safely.
    and I'm super stoked that you guys are writing in this. It's like I get to go along with you guys. I'm sorry Jordans are sick... *sadface*
    I hope she's feeling better soon so you guys can have an awesome time.
    Have fun on the roof gathering.
    I love you sooo much.
    <3 Teresas
