Tuesday, December 30, 2008

New Years Eve

Hi All!

Thanks for leaving comments, I'm feeling mostly better now (this is jordan). I think the lack of water on the plane left me quite dehydrated. When they served us our meals, we only got a cup that held a few tablespoons of liquid.. not cool.

Cambodia is pretty crazy,I'm afraid of getting mowed down by a family on a motorbike.

There are always guys waiting to drive you around in tuktuks, which is a carriage type thing that holds four people led by a guy on a motorbike. Yesterday on the way back from the internet cafe, myself and two friends we told, "Wanna tuktuk? Free tuktuk for you!" We courteously declined.

Today we are going to go the the Russian Market after lunch. We hope to go to the Friends Restaurant. It is an NGO that brings children off the street and trains them to serve at the restaurant. Amy, the girl that went last year and is kind of leading us, said the food is really good.

The food yesterday at the reception was really good. Very different too. They joked that they brought us pizza and McDonald's. They had tiny oranges that were better than candy and any in the US, they had sticky rice wrapped in banana leaves--it was sweet with mango in it. There were also some coconut type riceish things wrapped in banana leaves that was really good. I generally don't like coconut at home b/c it's always dried out, but here it is realy sweet and juicy.
They had sweds of beef on sticks but we didn't try them. Others who did really enjoyed it. They had some sort of cute little tasty spring rolls. And water. We drank lots of water. We took some water botles back with us so now we have a good amount and we can fill them up at the hotel.

I'm typing because on the keyboard you have to mash the buttons really hard and I can type faster. We are both here at the computer this time.

That's all for now, we love hearing from you guys,
write soon.


  1. Hey you two! Glad you made it there safely and are adjusting. Jordan - keep drinking and stay well. Enjoyed reading about your adventures so far and look forward to keeping up with the trip. Take it easy ladies and have fun!

  2. Thanks for writing--I thought I'd do an evening check just in case, and was delighted to see a new entry. Aren't the motorbikes crazy!! We kept an eye out to see who could spot the most people (and/or animals) on a motorbike at the same time. So glad you did not take the "free" tuktuk--nothing is free--you will pay for it someway! (Like when they take you to their friend's store and will not take you back until you buy some stuff....) Sorry to hear about the dehydration on the plane. Drinking lots of pure water will help you stay well. Glad you are enjoying the food--it is wonderful there. The French used to occupy Cambodia, so one good inflluence they left, was French bread and pastries. But the fruit and local food is great (except for the variety of bugs they eat.) We are so glad you girls are there and getting to experience this rich time.
    Love always, Mom and Dad
    PS What is the time difference?

  3. Hi Girls!
    This is the first time today I've had a chance to post and there's already another post from you two! We're glad you guys set up this blog. Hearing from you makes us smile:)
    Good idea about taking water back to the hotel.
    The friends restaurant sounds like a really good concept. How old are the children working there? We are so glad to hear that Jordan is feeling better. Stay well, my dear.
    Raina, it made me laugh to read about your white rabbit cotton wipes! I can just imagine you doing that...
    No tuktuk for you (but lots of love),

  4. I just want to say that first of all i'm really confused because there are two moms responding and I don't know who is who. lol.
    anyways, the food sounds reaaaally good. and i'm glad that Jordans are feeling better.
    you guys have been in my thoughts and prayers.

    also, I thought it would make you happy to know that as I was watching CBS it had a list of the top ten hated words this year.


    ahahaha. i laugh.

    the tuktuk sounds really cool. kind of scary. but really cool. and it sounds like you guys are meeting some great people.
    make sure to take lots of pictures and when you get back we can look at them all and you can tell us stories!
    keep updating when you can! i love to hear from you two!
    i love youuuu!!!!
    <3 always,
