Thursday, January 1, 2009

Just a quick hello!

We are tired and will write more about today tomorrow, but a few quick things.

The cheaper the restaurant, the better the food.
so far.

At one of the restaurants we watched a kitten stalk a lizard.

Okay, we will talk to you soon!
Raina and Jordan


  1. LOL! A stange new world. Like thinking outside the box or something. So glad you are adventuring again. What a way to start 2009--Happy New Year! Dad is rearranging the living room furniture this morning, then we will watch the Rose Parade. Parka is being good. (Which is more than we can say for Eli) How did you all celebrate the New Year? Looking forward to your news--Dad and Mom

  2. Hi! Hope you are having fun. Eat everything, avoid drinking straws that might be washed and reused. I love you--Dad

  3. There was an op-ed piece by Nicholas Kristof in the New York Times yesterday (Dec.31st) about sex trafficking in Cambodia. You can read it on-line.

  4. I am glad you are doing this blog. Sorry the keyboard is such a toughy!

    My observation is that traffic in the US is out of kilter.. we are sooooo organized and so obedient. The rest of the world just moves. I don't know how one adapts to it. Stay safe.. the drivers are probably watching for you, but I don't know how you can tell. Gosh, they must all be awesome on video games.

    Have fun. The noodles sound great!


  5. This is Raina's dad even though it says Tarheel Mommy. I don't know how to get my own sign-on on this here new-fangled weblogging internetworking thingy:)

    You could guess which part of your blog has me excited so far. A great asian meal for $1.25! That is so cool!

    It's wonderful that you are experiencing and embracing so many different things. It's unfortunate that Jordan exprerienced a distinct lack of friction compared to US showers. I hope you are not too sore.

    The elevator experience is a tale to be told for decades - so that one was worth the tribulation.

    It's special for us to experience this travel vicariously through your blog.

    Take Care - Alce Pottra
    (I have scrambled my name so no online predators can find me.)

  6. I just want to take a second to say how much your dad is like my dad, rainas.
    He would be saying the exact same thing about these "new-fangled weblogging internetworking thingy"

    Jordan, I'm sorry you fell in the shower and got stuck in the elevator doors. If you think about least you have some amazing stories to tell. =)

    Also, HAPPY NEW YEARS!!!
    It sounds like you guys had lots of fun. (even if Jordan didn't stay up the two extra hours to experience New Year's)
    I spent it with my parents, who ended up getting somewhat inebriated (is that how you spell it?)and taught my dad how to "get low"
    hahaha. but more on that later.
    I love you both and can't wait to hear from you again!

    Also, I didn't know where to send your christmas presents since you were in Cambodia so I just sent them to the dorms. =)

    Miss you mucho!
    <3 always,
